Special Educational Needs
“Touching Minds, Shaping Future, Teaching life”
Special Education Needs Department has been functional in school with school counselors in place. The learning disabilities of the students are identified in a timely manner by the facilitators and with the help of the counselor, in-school testing is done and remedial measures are being followed. The cases now under consideration are dyslexia, dysgraphia, hyperactivity; marginal autism etc.The parents play a vital role in these processes.
A special learning module for slow learners, are in place which ultimately helps them join the main stream within a short period of time. Differentiated Instruction is something that we strictly follow in our school. Differentiated instruction runs on the maxim that every child is different. Similarly, every adolescent is different. Hence we treat them differently and adopt personalized steps and customize our strategies to tackle his/her specific problems rather than being generic. Counseling is one of the most primitive yet proven strategies that we adopt here at TGWS. Moreover, the feeling that we are there with them is instilled which gives them a lot of courage to open up even at adverse situations.
TGWS has professional counselors in school, who co-ordinate the Special Educational Wing, and help in the timely identification and adoption of remedial and preventive measures in the form of counseling, intervention classes and pre-clinical testing. Under the co-ordination of primary counselors, special learning module and classes are progressing in school.