Name: Jeyalakshmi Selvakumar (P/o Advik-G3 Beta )

Regarding school performance: Excellence in infrastructure, extra curricular activities and interaction between parents and teachers.
Academics: Easy communication with coordinators.
Sports: My child is good at sports, because of TGWS effective support in infrastructure, extra curricular activities and interaction between parents and teachers. Because of TGWS proper teaching abilities students are able to write their exams even without mugging up. Without any hesitation, students are boldly participating in all activities which definitely improve their communication and presentation skills. Best training in skating and swimming has improved the students’ performances in respective activities.
Name: J.Revathi (P/o Neha and Nethra-G1 )

TGWS has excellent infrastructure and transportation and caring members of staff. The members of staff are courteous and responds promptly. The teachers are well qualified and trained to handle students, preparing children not only to learn but also to explore and understand the concepts. It is great to have extracurricular activities such as drill teams, bands, swim, skate or even non-athletic activity such as musical performances etc which encourage each and every student .Totally, a nice environment, fresh air and spacious playground. TGWS helps the students to be a part of academic competitiveness. More emphasis is given to practical understanding, reading, writing, Maths etc.More importance is given for understanding the concepts rather than memorizing. All the teachers teach how to learn for life .We are very much impressed.
Name: Dr. R. HemavathyBaskaran MBBS,MD (P/o Nithi-G3 Alpha )

We are very proud to say that The Geekay Wold School is Number One Day-cum- Boarding School in Tamil Nadu for the year 2015.
ACADEMICS: “The Geekay World School has bloomed and started shining like the glistening stars high up in the sky”. The school imparts not only education by learning from books and memorizing the facts, but also teach them lessons for life. Education in the school is not only based on acquiring knowledge but the learning makes the mind of individual very fresh, young and subtle. At TGWS , teaching is done lively by demonstrating the models of syllabus and also involving the students in such wonderful activities. TGWS gives opportunity for participating in various competitive exams like SOF, SPELL BEE, Mindspark etc.
INFRASTRUCTURE : Has a gorgeous infrastructure which is grand feast to the eyes. TGWS is the only school in Vellore district which has spacious area for indoor and outdoor games with boarding facilities.
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVIES :The School sows ardent inspiration to reap a better future in sports, Dance, Music, Art and Craft and Community services. Thus the school focuses on physical, emotional, Social and Spiritual traits. The School also emphasizes on imparting enthusiasm to children for participating in various District and State level competitions. We are glad that parents are also given opportunity and encouragement for playing during sports day every year which is a unique feature at TGWS.
Name: Vishwanath M. Raja (P/o Sabaraish V Raja-G3 Alpha )

I am very glad to write this email to you to express my happiness for the taking the decision to send my son, Sabarish V. Raja, to The Geekay World School.
He gets up every morning with enthusiasm to go to school which is the best sign for us to know that he enjoys his schooling at TGWS. He is full of excitement and eagerness to go to school to meet his friends and to learn new things from his teachers. This is the reason I take this opportunity to THANK each and everyone of The Geekay World School team including Management, Teachers, Sports Trainers, Transports staff and Support Staff and all for making him enjoy his academic and sports education !
The Geekay World School has made him a responsible, clean and well behaved boy. He does his homework independently and promptly. He enjoys playing Tennis and swimming. He is also good in playing The keyboard. He has acquired these talents mainly because of the encouragement and support he is getting in School. Thanks for making him grow into a Good Citizen !
We are feeling blessed to have such a beautiful campus with world class facilities and dedicated management and staff in Ranipet !
Name: Saravana Kumar, (P/o S.M.Thaaruni of Grade 5 A)
Dear Mam,
I am Saravana Kumar, Father of S.M. Thaaruni of Grade 5 A. Its my pleasure in recording my appreciation to the entire team of The Geekay World School for being awarded the No. 1 Day-Cum-Boarding School in Tamil Nadu. During the current academic year, I could see lots of initiatives being taken by the school for the benefit of the students, which is highly effective. The trip to Yelagiri by the students was very useful in making them learn skills like leadership, co-ordination, team work, decision making, etc. The newsletter issued every month is highly useful for parents to understand the happenings in the school and keep them updated. New programs like Mindspark and Money Champs are highly commendable and it enriches the knowledge of the students very much. I also noticed the change in the pattern of the question papers of unit tests and SA. These papers encourages the concept of understanding the subjects rather than memorising the subjects, which is the need of the hour. The community service activities also needs a special mention. I always believe that attitude for servicing to humanity has to be incorporated right from childhood and happy that TGWS is serving this purpose very well. To add to all these and as a jewel in the crown, the teaching and training of teachers is highly enhanced and the learning ability of the students has increased manifold this year. Thanks to the entire team of TGWS and proud to have my daughter studying in this school.
Name: K.K.Jayakumar, (P/o Gangadharan Jayakumar)

The Geekay world school is a school where the infrastructure meets 5-star rating. Swimming pool, Skating rink, Lawn tennis court, Throw ball court, Basketball court Auditorium and many more facilities which allows the children to explore beyond the box. The teachers are very patient and they grasp the potential of each student and push them to their extent. The children move forward step by step into the field of both academics and sports. This is why I send my son to this school.
Name: Ranganathan, (P/o Kaviarasan)

We are SOOOO incredibly lucky that we found’’ The Geekay World School, Ranipet!’’. In fact my younger son Master R.Kaviarasan was the second student admitted in this school in 2010 who presently studying at 7th std, Beta of CIE Syllabus. “Since we started, we've seen a remarkable improvement in his knowledge base and social skills. His Mom and I greatly appreciate your school programs and the obvious good information technology has done for him. It's great to have him coming home from school, singing new songs, proudly displaying learning's. We're very glad to have him in your school program, and are especially impressed with his teachers & curriculum head and the various after hour’s enrichment programs you bring to kids”. My Heartiest Congratulations to Mr. Gandhi Family Members, School Management Teams of each and every staff for achieving as "Tamil nadu’s No.1 day cum residential School", the major milestone achievement surpassing among the others school in Tamilnadu.
Once Again we wish '' The Geekay World School, Ranipet “to achieve many more milestones in forthcoming years and keep the things in place, track consistently by adopting and implementing the innovative teaching concepts at par with international standards.
Name: Dr.Sangeetha , (P/o Varsha Balaji)

“Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself”– Robert Frost
I’m sure you all agree with me that to define ourselves, we need opportunities. What better can help define our children’s capacity and talents than the opportunities and responsibilities trusted to them at school? Sure they need to do some hard work …but doesn’t hard work with support refine their talents!
As a parent of a new comer to the GeeKay word school, the newsletter has been a great way of realizing the venues that are open for my daughter to explore. Shaping a child and keeping them off from other negative distractions and addictions definitely needs a multifaceted approach to keep them engaged. I’m excited to know that TGWS is keeping their students right on track, guiding them at the same time by teachers’ and other faculty effort. I’m much motivated to encourage my daughter to undertake some of the activities at school and the newsletter has been a good way of creating this awareness among the parents and students.
At the same time as a parent I’m aware that “an opportunity is hard work in disguise” which may also teach a lesson on handling failure to my daughter, sometimes. So I realize that we (parents) need to extend our support in all possible ways to our children when they participate in the various activities.